lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Mexico inside China

Mexico and China have a long standing relationship, as stated in the first post about the Chinese clock. Both countries have been doing an effort to increase diplomatic relations, trade, investment and tourism between them. Unfortunately, this effort to become closer is accompanied by a low awareness by the people of both countries and few awareness of the culture of each country.

Due to this situation, Mexico has been doing an effort to increase the country’s presence in China, using art as the medium to achieve this goal. Art is a growing industry in China, with more museums opening, and more Chinese artists coming into the spotlight; Mexico seeks to use this growing demand for art as an effort to reach the Chinese people and show them a bit of Mexico.

In 2008, during the Beijing olympics, Mexico sent a replica of the Independence Angel in Mexico City to Beijing; this was one of the first efforts to increase Mexican presence in China; however, the Angel didn’t stay long in Beijing, it visited Hong Kong SAR afterwards before returning to Mexico.

Some years after, during 2014, as part of the Mexican government program of cultural promotion in China, more than 3 Mexican art exhibitions took place in Shanghai and Beijing.

The 3 exhibitions represented different aspects of Mexican history. “Mayans, The Language of Beauty” was inaugurated by both the Mexican and Chinese presidents in November 2014 in China’s National Museum. This exhibition was a challenge due to the nature of the pieces involved and their preservation.

That same year, in October, it was also inaugurated the “Diego Rivera: Pride of Mexico” exhibit with 34 pieces in the China’s National Museum of Art in Beijing. This exhibition represents a recent past of Mexican history and art. Afterwards, in November, also inaugurated by president Enrique Peña Nieto in the Long Museum in Shanghai, the “Mexican Silver: History and Future” exhibition was expected to last for 3 months; however due to the success of the exhibition it was extended for 2 more months and was then sent to Beijing.

These efforts by the Mexican government represent a commitment to increase the ties with China, both culturally and economically. It is important to increase awareness of both cultures in both countries to reduce stigma and fear. Culture showcase is a great way to increase understanding of cultures and with this understanding friendship may follow. China and Mexico are closer than ever and it is of great importance to remind people that both countries have been friendly for a long time, that they’ve had a longstanding relationship that is becoming even closer.

Using these exhibitions is evidence of how history can help us reach people, showing China who Mexico is and showing a willingness to share our history is a good way to increase interest and awareness of our country. Due to the moment both of our countries are in, where our ties are becoming tighter, it’s important to understand each other to be able to work together and create solutions that favor both the people in china and Mexico in the future and history has served as a great ambassador for this issue.


  • México exhibe arte Maya, obras de Diego Rivera y artesanía en plata en museos de China. (n.d.). Retrieved May 02, 2016, from
  • Replica of Mexico's Angel of Independence to fly to Beijing_English_Xinhua. (n.d.). Retrieved May 02, 2016, from

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