martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

China in Mexico

In the past years, there have been many considerable efforts from both governments in order to increase their presence in each country. There have been substantial achievements in many areas: economic, social, political, cultural, etc.

In the political area, in the year 2013 the president of the Republic, Enrique Peña Nieto, celebrated the third reunion in a time span of less than six months with China’s president, Xi Jinping, concerning free trade, the opening of the Office of Commercial Affairs Mexico-China established by the Ministry of Economy in the Embassy of Mexico in China. There was also talk of the importance of the successful dialogue, bilateral collaboration and disposition that has taken place in presidential meetings towards the improvement in economic and political relations between the two countries. A notable example of this, is the creation of an investment fund between China and Mexico, as well as a preliminary approval of the Export-Import Bank of China for a credit line 500 million dollars to the National Bank of Foreign Trade (Bancomext) of Mexico. The success of these objectives would lead to mutual benefits for both countries.

In the cultural area, as a result of the cultural exchange of both countries, the exposition “Presence of China in Mexico” was presented in the state of Veracruz in 2016. It involved 185 pieces realized by 60 Chinese contemporary artists which was enjoyed by many audiences including, students, families and tourists. As was said by Harry Grappa Guzmán, the head of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (SECTUR): “Culture is the universal language of understanding, friendship and fraternity between nations.”

In the social area, there is not a place in Mexico that is as representative of Chinese culture in Mexico as Chinatown and its yearly celebration of the Chinese New Year. Each year, this place is filled with colors, music and food, true to the ancient traditions of the Chinese culture. The celebration lasts for whole month where allegoric cars, flowers and red lanterns are seen everywhere and the whole Chinese and also non-Chinese community, get together and celebrate the coming of the new year.

These events, institutions and further efforts are all extremely important for the development and progress of Mexico-China relations, which may be coming at a slow but confident pace.

  • Barrio Chino Cd. Mxico, (n.d.). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from
  • Se reúnen los presidentes de México, Enrique Peña Nieto y de China, Xi Jinping, por tercera ocasión. Embajada de México en China. (n.d.). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from tercera-reunion- presidentes-enrique- pena-nieto- y-xi- jinping
  • Inauguran exposición “Presencia de China en México, arte y tradición”. (n.d.). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from inauguran-exposicin- presencia-de- china-en- mxico- arte-y- tradicin

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